Track your PA Ancestors:
1-Stop Portal for Pennsylavnia Historical Research
- State-wide Warrant, Patent, and Tract Name Registers which document the first transfers of land from the Penns or the state government to private owners. We offer them now as pdf downloads or on a flash drive or CD. ($)
- Select County atlases of the Pennsylvania Township Warrantee Maps on file at the Pennsylvania Archives in Harrisburg showing the exact metes-and-bounds tracts of early pioneers who purchased land from colonial or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania authorities. Both the county atlases and their individual chapters are available as pdf downloads. The newest editions of atlases are not available in print, only as downloads. ($)
- In addition to publishing our own books, we are posting free images of 19th century maps and atlases that we personally digitized at the Library of Congress for nearly every county in PA. These images can be used in conjunction with census records and published county histories, to which we have also posted links. Note: While the physical maps are in the public domain, the images we have taken of the maps belong to us and are not to be used commercially. For those researchers wishing to use them for personal use (including illustrating a family history you are working on), we give permission to use them as long as they are attributed to Ancestor Tracks. In addition, for the 1/3 of Pennsylvania for which the Land Office created Township Warrantee Maps, we have added links to those maps.
⇒⇒Be sure to read this article I wrote explaining the crucial uses of maps in all forms to stitch together all of the documented facts of a typical family into a coherent tapestry. This is the core reason that I created Ancestor Tracks and this website–to help you pinpoint your ancestors to a specific place and time so you can find more details of their lives.⇐⇐
How We Can Help You

County Atlases
Atlases based on the Pennsylvania Land Office Township Warrantee Maps, as well as individual chapter downloads, for the following counties:
Berks County
Dauphin County
Fayette County
Greene County
Lancaster County
Northampton County
Washington County
Westmoreland County

Statewide Resources
See our Land Acquisition Page for tutorials and links to essential land records, most of which are free.
We Also offer 4 major downloadable resources for locating the earliest private purchasers of land across Pennsylvania: Warrant Registers for the entire state (set of 67 county Warrant Registers plus 3 pre-1733 ledgers), Patent Registers Indexes for the state (complete set), Tract Name Indexes from 1682-1959+, and the New Purchase Applications Register.
The official Warrant, Patent, and Tract Name Register Indexes are also available as a set.
NEW! The Keystone: Essential Guide to PA Historical County Records
NEW! "In a Nutshell" Guides
Practical 4- to 6-page guides to using resources specific to PA research

Free Land Resources for PA Researchers
Click this link for a state map with clickable counties leading to a compilation of free web resources, including thousands of images of 19-century landowner maps and atlases we have personally taken at the Library of Congress. These images can be downloaded and saved to your computer or printed. We give permission to use these images, for personal use only, with attribution to Ancestor Tracks.